Lane Merging: You’re Doing It Wrong
Posted on May 25, 2015 by Trevor in Misc
Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned lane merge and the accompanying traffic backup?
There are usually a number of different personality types that can be observed at every merger:
- The early mergers. The ones who drive as cautiously and defensively as possible. Late mergers are their arch enemies.
- The late mergers. They often fly down that increasingly narrow lane at high speeds until the very last moment when some observant, long-suffering soul opens up a space for them right before they crash into the pile of cars ahead.
- The “not on my watch” pickup truck guys. They straddle both lanes with their wide vehicles to prevent anyone from “cheating” or unfairly skating ahead of the suckers queued up in the slowest lane. They are the self-imposed champions of law and order.
- The zipper merger. The ones who actually know what’s going on.
Zipper Merging
It’s just what it sounds like. And it’s the recommended merging method by all departments of transportation, based on real life research, computer modeling, and experience. Check out how Minnesota’s DOT describes it.
It’s safer and faster. It’s fair. Learn it yourself. Tell your friends.